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Here are 4 New Video Tips for You Today…. and a Podcast

Back to what I enjoy doing!

OK, Can I get a little serious and personal with all of you for a moment? I am a Jeweler, a Teacher, and an Encourager, but I am not very good at selling, and I would rather talk about anyone else than myself. That being said, I am glad to be done promoting my last Video Series, and I feel I owe it to those of you who stuck around through the last week of sales posts and email updates, so This One Is For You!

I also did another Quick Podcast this last week, and have placed it in this post, incase it slipped by you.

Here are 4 Quick Videos (really, 1-3 minutes each) I did over the last week or so, All On Tool Prep and Modifications.

Tweezer Modifications

How to Modify Your Tweezers for Jewelry Work I have heard it said, and attributed to Abe Lincoln, “If I had 4 hours to cut down a tree, I would use the first 2 hours sharpening the axe”. That must be one big tree…. But I get the idea. Tool Preparation is very important! Here is a quick video showing how I go about preparing my tweezers for bench work.

Snap-On Disc Tip

I use these handy Snap-on Sanding Discs Every Day Here is a little tip to make them last a bit longer.

Half-Round/Flat Pliers Modification

I am a HUGE proponent of preparing your tool surface, so you are NOT creating more work by adding “Tool-Marks” to your work.

Ring Clamp Tip

Ring Clamps and Bicycle Inner Tubes….. What WHAT!!!! Yes, Bicycle Inner Tubes make great tool Modifications.

Everyone, THANK YOU for standing by me in this JewelryMonk Project I am trying to create. I said earlier, I am a Jewelry Maker, Teacher, and Encourager, and I am stumbling through this internet stuff, hopefully learning along the way.

Take Care as always!

Now, get out there and make something Shiny!
