Today will be a quick tip, known by most, but very important if you want a quality finish on your jewelry. You spend a lot of time with your design, layout, stone selection, etc. but if the execution of your finishing isn’t done correctly, you might be disappointed with the end result. Last week we touched on some prep work for polishing with filing, sanding, and rubber wheeling. Today we will touch on polishing and Polishing Wheel ediquite. I usually use 2 types of polishing compound on silver, Graystar for pre-polishing and Red Rouge for final polishing.
Graystar is a good compound to remove the fine scratches and blemishes left over from casting , tumbling, and handwork. Use a dedicated wheel for Graystar and only use this compound on this wheel.
Work the piece against the wheel in a “crossing” pattern, first polishing in one direction, then changing the direction of the piece and polishing in another direction. Avoid polishing the piece in the same direction, or this will cause “grooving” your piece from polishing in the same direction with the wheel. When you have gotten the piece to a point where all of the blemishes are removed, it is time to put the piece in the Ultrasonic Cleaner. You want to remove all of the Graystar before final polishing, if there is any compound left on the piece, it will affect the final polish.
Next it is time to final polish your piece. Use a dedicated wheel for your Red Rouge and only use this compound on this wheel.
If there is any other compound on this wheel, it will contaminate this wheel and it will not perform at its best. Again, polish in a crossing pattern to get the luster you desire. Work with firm pressure at first, then lightly to finish. Add piece to your Ultrasonic Cleaner to remove compound off piece and use a Steam Cleaning Machine
to finish cleaning.
Again, I cannot express it enough, have a dedicated wheel for your pre-polish (Graystar) and your final polishing wheel (Red Rouge).
At a later date, I will dive into a more “Detailed” process of felt buffs, lapping wheels, brushes, etc.
Enjoy your day!
Hi Doug, if I have a piece with a stone that can’t go into the ultrasonic, what’s the best way to get it clean?
I would clean the polishing compound off carefully with a very soft tooth brush with Simple Green and water. (Dawn dish washing soap works well too). Steam clean the rest off, then rub the piece with a polishing cloth to remove the small scratches from the tooth brush, if any.