Have you ever melted jewelry? Have you ever broke a stone? Have you ever thrown a tool in frustration? (usually these go together) Albert Einstein is widely credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Don’t give up I Beg You.
I am here to tell you, YOU HAVE JEWELRY MAKING GREATNESS IN YOU! You just need a guide to show you the way. My motto is “Together, We Can MAKE the Best Jewelry of Your LIFE”, and I truly believe this, and try to live it out. Up until this month, I have been putting out a training schedule together with project related classes and courses, and have been having a great time, and many people have benefited from the classes. I am getting to change things up a bit. Instead of teaching you the courses I have pre-selected, I will now be asking you to call me (or stop in), and tell me what you want to learn, and together, we will put together a plan and a path to get there. If you want a 2-4 hour class to make a project, I will slip you in most days (or evenings) If you want a day or week long workshop, let’s get you in the seat, or if you are interested in a 1-3 month apprenticeship program, let’s chat. 605 718-5070 or Doug@JewelryMonk.com
So whatever you want to learn, soldering, stone setting, sawing, filing, tool making, texturing metal, bezel creating, ring making, wax carving and casting, CAD and 3D Printing…….. the possibilities are endless, and TOGETHER, we can do it! I have over 35 years experience, and will guide you into that space you want to be.
Next up! I have many people ask me “What gauge sheet did you use on the last project, my answer…… Sadly, “I don’t know, I have always worked in mm rather than gauge”…… YES, I ADMIT IT, I am Gauge-illiterate!!! BUT, I do have this handy worksheet that I made, hanging on my wall, to quickly help me not look so bad, and you can have the FREE DOWNLOAD as well:
Lastly, we are still working on the JewelryMonkTools.com website, to give you another option to search and buy tools and supplies. There are a number of “Featured Products” this month, and one of them is a Polishing Package, where you get 2 wheels and 2 compounds, 1 set for pre-polishing, and the other set for final polishing. $25 is the price. Also Check out the great and growing number of products at the website.
That is all I have for now. Again, THANK YOU ALL for your continued support of all I do at the JewelryMonk Studio and Training Center, please send me a note to say hi, or if you are within 200 miles of Rapid City, SD…. stop in and say “Howdy”!
…..and remember, “Together, We Can MAKE the Best Jewelry of Your LIFE”